The swims for 2024 are shown below
January 27th
February 24th
March 30th
April 27th
May 25th
June 29th
July 27th
August 31th
September 28th
October 26th
November 30th
December 14th or 21st
The start time has been moved back to our usual time of 4.30pm we will still have our 3 hour slot.
Proof of Covid vaccinations is no longer needed however if you have a temperature or feel unwell please do not attend. Refreshments will be available hot and cold drinks plus rolls/sandwiches etc.
Sauna and steam rooms are open but please limit your time in them to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy those facilities.
We do accept new attendees and we are now a family swim once again.
Past experience tells us that it is preferable to speak to newcomers before they attend.
A couple of years ago we were awarded a certificate of merit from British Naturism in recognition of all the hard work by the team that makes our swim so great.
1 "The lifestyle and practice of wearing no clothes, e.g. for leisure activities, in the privacy of one's home or garden"
2 "The promotion of a healthy, ecologically friendly lifestyle"
Proud to be members of British Naturism
Thanks to British naturism for some of
the content of this site.